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Hey DIVA Heeyyy!!!

Living every day like it's my birthday it's Porsha Hensley here, The AllN1Diva!

As a Wife, Mother, Diiivvvaaaa and Serial Entrepreneur Extraordinaire I understand the struggles that come with wearing many hats from day to day. However, I am a strong believer that through the struggle comes strength. Failure is merely a lesson when you put God first in all that you do.

Whether two thousand or two million, I boldly walk in my purpose of  encouraging every woman I cross paths with. I humbly assist women in creating work/home "LIFE BALANCE" through self-care routines they deserve no matter the magnitude of responsibilities.

I was once asked how did I change #shedoesitall from a hashtag to a lifestyle and the answer was simple; with the help of my foundational scripture. 

"I can do all things through Him that strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

So yes, #shedoesitall but my goal is to ensure you know that YOU CAN  TOO!  I feel, 

"You'll never shine if you don't glow."  So, Diiivvaaas, come see me for ALL of  YOUR self-care needs⎼

Beauty, Body, & Ego.

I've got you covered!




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(c)2021   TheAllN1Diva

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